水瓶座時代の研究 3 ・ Research on AQURIAN AGE 3 

地球は老年期を迎えたので地球の回転軸が「ふらふら」します。ref  それで、約2150年に30度 の速度で春分点が天空を逆行しています。これは1年に約50秒、百年で約1度23分の変化になります。 インドの占星学やその他の国でも一部の人々は特殊な暦で、このずれを引き算していますが、世界の大部分 の英米日独仏などでは、このずれを星座とサインのずれとして認めますが占星学の判断は星座ではなくて、 12個のサインを30度ごとに円周に等分に配置し判断します。ref しかし、魚座時代水瓶座時代 の考えはヒッパルコスのサインではなくて、古代人が天空に描いた星座の画像で判断しますから毎年変化を して2000年には魚座の終わりの部分になります。水瓶座時代という言葉は中世期のオカルト論者が使用 して以来マスコミ用語として使用する言葉ですが占星学専門用語ではありません。筆者は天文学の知識を 借りて星座時代を解説しているのです。
Global earth is getting old in life and its rotating axis in gyration in motion. ref This produces the change of the point of vernal equinox in retrograde with the rate of thirty degrees in 2150 years approximately or about fifty seconds per year. This is about one degree and twenty three minutes in one hundred years elapsed. Astrologers in India and in some other people in the world are using a special calendar to compensate such shift of vernal equinox calculated. However the most astrologers in the world including those of either the Great Britain, or the United States of America, or Japan, or France, or Germany, or the most countries in the world are using the calendars of twelve signs in thirty degrees step with commencing the zero degree of Aries at the vernal equinox of each year or so called the tropical system. ref In the tropical system astrology, we accept the shift of the point of vernal equinox or the spring ingress in the pictures of constellation astronomically but prediction of astrology is made by the set of twelve signs of zodiacs that was defined by Hipparchus worked. Nowadays astrologers except for a few in believing the sidereal system of astrology such as the people in India are no confusion on the shift of constellation against the vernal equinox as the modern astrology is based on the system of Hipparchus that is organized free from the constellation of the ancient people imagined. As our system of astrology is working on thirty degrees in one span on twelve sets of zodiac signs, the concept of Aquarian Age is entirely out of our present scheme employed. Therefore, this author describes the era of twelve sets of constellation with the knowledge of astronomy and not from the knowledge of our modern astrology participated. The AQUARIAN AGE is the technical word of mass communication field and not the word of our modern astrology studied.

キリスト教のミレニュウム思想はキリスト誕生後の一千年間を至福(しふく)千年とするという考えです。 西暦996年に、従来のラテン系の人物でないドイツ人がローマ法王に就任した時に当時のキリスト教徒はこの 世の終わりが来たと大騒ぎしました。西暦1999年にこの世の終わるというのは西暦2000年以降に水瓶座時代 が来れば魚座時代のキリスト教による支配が終わるという恐怖が中世期のヨーロッパの民衆に浸透していた ためです。彼らが信仰の基準を失う恐怖は宗教に鈍感な多くの日本人には理解ができない恐怖です。 魚座という星座の形を考えだした古代人の思想を受け継ぐヨーロッパで魚座時代を代表するキリスト教 の至福千年の思想と結びつけてこの世の終わりを1999年としたのでした。ref しかし、正確な計算では、西暦2152年から西暦2700年の間になります。ref
Millennium of one thousand years is mentioned in Revelation 20 that Christ is to reign on earth. In the year of 996, German born Pope was first crowned in Rome that had been the position of the priests born in the Latin countries or either France or Italy. People were threatened by the fear of ending the world. Similar mess was in 1999 that the end of the world was coming near after ending Piscine Age of the era of Christ that the new era of Aquarian Age will be coming soon after 2000 AD that is expected. The philosophy of the most people in the western counties that are the successors of the ancient people that had pictured the shape of constellation Pieces in the sky has easily deduced the problems of the end of world from the end of the Piscine Age imagined.ref Such mess of people that are in the fear to see the end of Christianity would not be so serious for the most people in Japan that their life in religious minds is very much more liberal than the people of other countries found. The exact expected year would come in the year between 2152 AD through 2700 AD.ref

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