45度法入門・Introduction to 45degree System

45度法はドイツ人エバーティン(1900-1988) が研究した ハーフサム(ミドポイント)という新しい占星学の方法をさらに簡略にしたものです。従って、エバーティンが採用した天体図(プラネタリー・ピクチャ)の複雑な解析は45度法では省略をしました。



天体が存在するという事実だけに注目して、他に付随する要素(ハウスなど)を可能な限り排除をするというエバーティンの基本姿勢はアディー(1920-1982)や石川(1921- ) にも継承されましたが、石川はエバーティンが晩年に主張した45度法がアディーの第8調波に相当することに注目しました。

45 X 8 = 360 になりますから、45度法の表示と第8調波の表示とは一致します。第8調波環境の整備状況を示しますから、45度法の表示は現在の天体位置が目的とする問題について、環境が整っているか、否かを教えるものです。


しかし、冥王星の軌道の歪のために、2005年1月の冥王星の位置23度「いて」(45度法の接触点23M、8F)と同格の位置 8度の「さそり」(45度法の接触点23M、8F)になったのは1987年9月です。この間は僅か18年 3か月ですから、単純な周期論で考えることは間違いです。



生まれ時刻が未定の人物の仮の出生時刻を午前6時にします。これは、ゴークランの研究によるもので、日の出図(サンライズ・チャ−ト)ではありません。 ref

一例として、IT界の成功者・ビル・ゲーツ、1955年10月28日・米国ワシントン州シアトル生まれを45度法で計算します。 ref

 太陽、 4 SCO; 214度; 8F、23M 45度法接触点(等価の2点)
 水星、16 LIB; 196度;16C、 1M
 金星、19 SCO; 229度;19F、 4C
 火星、10 LIB; 190度;10C、25F
 木星、28 LEO; 148度;28F、13C
 土星、22 SCO; 232度;22F、 7C
天王星、 2 LEO; 122度; 2F、22M
海王星、28 LIB;208度;28C、13M
冥王星、28 LEO; 148度;28F、13C

彼の太陽 4度「さそり」(360度計算で214度)とヘッド 18度「いて」(360度計算で258度)が作る家庭軸 SUN / HED 〈人的な構成を示す軸〉(214+258) / 2 = 236 は26度の「さそり」です。
これは45度法の計算では、26F、11C になります。45度法では接触点は常に等価の二箇所の点になります。 ref

出生の木星は28度「しし」で、45度法表示では、28F、13Cになります。 ですから、彼は生まれつき、家庭軸 SUN / HEAD ref木星 JUPにオーブ2度で接触しています。彼の周囲には役に立つ人材が自然に集まってくるのです。

注意計算は出生時刻の選定で1度程度の誤差がでますから、 オーブは2度程度に考えます。従って、45度法では月のように 移動が早い天体に注目しません。なお、45度法では,サインの 性質を全く考慮しません。12サインは計算のための記号です。
計算は無料のスイス天文暦(45度法解説) ref で軸の計算を行ってから、 45度法の計算に変換します。等価の二個の接触点の換算は右側の換算尺を見てください。


ビル・ゲーツの出生時の水星16度「てんびん」と出生冥王星28度「しし」が作る有名軸 MER / PLU は22度の「おとめ」ですが、45度法では、22M、7Fになり、彼の出生の太陽 SUN 4度「さそり」 4F、19M と3度のオーブで接触しますから、彼は生まれつき脚光を浴びる人物です。

彼の出生の火星10度「てんびん」と木星28度「しし」が作るタレント軸 MAR / JUP は 18 度の「おとめ」で、 出生の火星10度「てんびん」と冥王星28度「しし」が作る努力軸 MAR / PLU は19度「おとめ」で共に彼の出生の太陽 SUN の 4F、19Mと接触します。彼は努力を集中すれば、必ず能力が発揮できる という恵まれた位置です。

ハーバード大学に入学した1973年の秋にはトランジットの 木星 JUP は 2度「みずがめ」2F、17M に停留していますから、彼の 火星と木星が作るタレント軸 MAR / JUP 18度「おとめ」18M、3Fと長期に接触 する好機でした。 ref


彼の出生の太陽 4度「さそり」と金星19度「さそり」が作る愛情軸 SUN / VEN は11度「さそり」11F、26Mで、 彼の出生の金星19度「さそり」と天王星2度「しし」が作る恋愛軸 VEN / URN は25度「おとめ」25M、10Fで、 共にトランジットの木星 JUP が10度「さそり」10F、25Mに3度も接触 した1994年に彼は結婚して3児を設けます。

彼の出生の金星19度「さそり」と火星10度「てんびん」が作る愛欲軸〈一目ぼれ軸〉VEN / MAR は29度「てんびん」 29C、14M であり、出生の海王星 NEP の28度「てんびん」28C、13M と 接触していますから、彼は生まれつき恋愛に恵まれていません。

45度法では、土星 SAT の接触は努力によって克服できますが、海王星 NEP の接触は原因不明で対処が困難な状況を表示しますから、最悪な接触と判断します。 ですから、1994年の結婚は彼にとっては正に貴重な選択であったのでした。


これは、エバーティンが研究の初期に医療関係者との共同研究で、患者の出生の火星と出生の天王星とが作る治療軸(手術軸)MAR / URNトランジットの木星 JUP が接触する時期に行った医療行為の成功率が最も高率であったという実験に基ずく法則です。

理想論で考えれば、結婚の場合には、両者の環境が共に整うことが前提でしょうし、医療行為の場合には、医者の45度法誤診軸 JUP / NEP を検討する必要もあるでしょうが、実際論では、当事者の一方の環境が整えば良しとします。



ENGLISH NOTE of Introduction to 45degree SYSTEM
Newly proposed art of astrology in 45 degree system is another simplified form of Half-Sum or Midpoint system of Reinhold Ebertin (1900-1988) released. Although the place of planet in calculating with the form of 360-degree definition is selected, the toilsmome analysis of the planetary pictures is omitted.

He was strongly confused in studying the ancient system of astrology with regard to the zodiac signs and the house system related. He has developed new system of astrology specifically based on the planets. He described a book titled “The Combination of Stellar Influences” in Germany and it was released in 1940. As it was translated into English in the Great Britain in 1972, this art becomes popular in USA also.

New trend in the astrology by omitting the influences ancestrally delivered from the traditional arts but studying the effects given from the planets or moving sky bodies as far as possible was enhanced by Reinhold Ebertin. This trend is further developed by John M. Addey (1920-1982) and H. M. ‘Gen’ Ishikawa (1921- ).

The system of astrology called forty five degree system of Reinhold Ebertin of Germany that was proposed by him in his later year will indicate the surrounding condition described by the eighth harmonics of John M. Addey released. Since 360 = 45 X 8 in the calculation, this will indicate the fulfillment of surrounding condition for the expected item at the expected moment predicted by the 45 degree system in astrology studied.

This author myself is interested in the further simplified system by avoiding the use of places of ASC and MC and also employing the system simplified in round off to the nearest whole number in degree notation.

In 45 degree system, the transiting planet formed contact with expected axis will indicate the fulfillment of surrounding condition effecting to the expected item predicted.

This indicates the chance for transiting Jupiter of average period of revolution in 11.86 years will be one eighth of it or 541 days or one and half years; for transiting Saturn of average period of revolution in 29.46 years will be 3.68 years or three years and eight months; for transiting Uranus of average period of revolution in 84.08 years will be 10.5 years; for transiting Neptune of average period of revolution in 164.82 years will be 20.6 years; for transiting Pluto of average period of revolution in 248.54 years will be 31 years.

Attention must be made on the distorted form of lotus of the planet Pluto. It was in 23 degrees of Sagittarius in January 2005 or 23M, 8F in 45 degree system defined. Its equivalent contact point was formed on 8 degrees of Scorpio or 8M in September 1987.

As we see the change of its reproduced place in 8F has come in only 18 years and three months, the simple hasty deduction with the periodic occurrence of contact points must be in error.

We select tentative birth time of a person to be six in the morning at the place of birth assumed. This time is selected after studying the extensive work of Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) ref and certainly not it comes from that is deduced from so-called Sun rise chart.

Mathematical conversion in zodiac signs vs. 360 degree notation will be demonstrated as follows; Aries zero is zero degree, Taurus zero is 30 degrees, Gemini zero is 60 degrees, Cancer zero is 90 degrees, Leo zero is 120 degrees, Virgo zero is 150 degrees, Libra zero is 180 degrees, Scorpio zero is 210 degrees, Sagittarius zero is 240 degrees, Capricorn zero is 270 degrees, Aquarius zero is 300 degrees, Pisces zero is 330 degrees.

For instance 45 degree chart of Bill Gates, born on 20 October 1955 in Seattle Washington will be figured out as follows: ref

In aiding use for the conversion between the equivalent two contact points, please see the bar type illustration demonstrated in the above Japanese section.

The notation made in the conventional CFM or Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable will be only for the convenience of conversion and no specific quality will be referred.

THE SUN. 4 SCO; 214d.; 8F、23M (Equivalent two contact points)
MERCURY 16 LIB; 196d.;16C、 1M
VENUS.. 19 SCO; 229d.;19F、 4C
MARS... 10 LIB; 190d.;10C、25F
JUPITER 28 LEO; 148d.;28F、13C
SATURN. 22 SCO; 232d.;22F、 7C
URANUS . 2 LEO; 122d.; 2F、22M
NEPTUNE 28 LIB; 208d.; 28C、13M
PLUTO . 28 LEO; 148d.;28F、13C

He entered Harvard University in 1973 and he has devoted his energies to Microsoft company with his friend in 1975.

His birth Sun is four degrees of Scorpio or 214 degrees in 360 degree notation and his Dragon Head is eighteen degrees of Sagittarius or 258 degrees in 360 degree notation selected.
Therefore, his axis of improvement of the family or group situation will be (214 + 258) / 2 = 236 or 26 degrees of Scorpio or 26 F or 11C.

As his birth Jupiter in 28 degrees of Leo or 28F or 13C forms contact with his Family axis, he can be a reliable boss to organize talented members associated.

The mathematical processed values may change in less than plus or minus one degree for each axis in the forty five degree system in accordance with the selected tentative birth moment settled.

You may use plus or minus 2 degrees for the contact orbs in practice performed. Description found in twelve-zodiac sign notation of a planet must be made only for the tentative indication that should be converted into 360 degree notation instead.

His axis of the attainment of public recognition that is formed by his natal Mercury and natal Pluto will be 22 degrees of Virgo or 22M or 7F. As this axis firms contact with his natal Sun in four degrees of Scorpio or 4F, 19M with three degrees in orb, therefore he is a person born with foot lights given.

His axis of the successful creative activity with a talented ability that is formed by his natal Mars and natal Jupiter is in 18 degrees of Virgo and his axis of the ability to concentrate his power on a target is in 19 degrees of Virgo found.

As these axes form close contact with his natal Sun in four degrees of Scorpio or 4 F, 19M, therefore he is a person of success in concentrating his power and ability on a target given.

He entered Harvard University in 1973 when transiting Jupiter formed station at two degrees of Aquarius ref and this has formed close contact with his axis of the successful creative activity with a talented ability and also his axis of the ability to concentrate his power on a target or 4F, 19M formed.

Generally speaking, in the system of 45 degrees, any transiting planet that forms one of the member of axis will not produce the effective contact formed.

In his above case, however, his axis of talented ability formed originally with his natal Sun and the transiting Jupiter formed contact also with his axis of the ability to concentrate his power on target therefore he can utilize this chance in full.

His axis of family love formed between Sun and Venus is in 11 degrees of Scorpio or 11F, 26M and his axis of illicit love affairs formed between Venus and Uranus is in 25 degrees of Virgo or 26M, 10F.

He married with Melinda on the occasion of transiting Jupiter formed contact at 10 degrees of Scorpio or 10F, 25M in 1994. They have three children.

His axis of fall in love at a first sight formed between natal Venus and natal Mars is in 29 degrees of Libra or 29C, 14M. This forms contact with his natal Neptune in 28 degrees of Libra or 28C, 13M found. In 45 degrees system, the disturbance given by Saturn can be turned off by the extensive effort concentrated, however, the contact made by Neptune is vital as the reason of its trouble can not be seen unveiled in the fog of the planet Neptune affected?

We see his chance in 1994 was so important for his family tie well organized.

Example of Junichiro Koizumi

More READINGS on the axis will be given in the next page!

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