占星学の天体の用法 ・ Usage of a planet

占星学の天体の考えかたは天文学の場合と全く異なります。同じ天体を観測しても占星学の場合には、人間世界との係わり合いを研究しますが、天文学の場合には、天体同士の係わり合いに興味を持ちます。 ref
占星学では天体の運行を観測して、その動きを知ることによって、人間生活の知恵として将来を予測しようと考えるのですから、占星学は天体を上手に「使いこなす」という技術を研究する学問です。 ref

現在の占星学天体を使用している多数の法則は 約束(協約)であって、原理・原則を示す定理ではありません。 ref

筆者・石川は「なぜ天体が地上の事件にかかわるのか?」という論文を2001年の 5月に米国占星学者連盟 AFAの機関誌に発表しました。(占星学革命、1999年米国版権登録) ref ATT この問題は占星学の原理・原則を示す定理となるべき法則なのですが、未だに自然科学の力で証明ができませんから、定理として世間から認められていません。


占星学の法則を考える場合に、歴史の流れを重要視する意見と論理的な考えかたを重要視する意見との争いが常に発生します。 ref

特に、ケプラー(1571-1630) が天体観測をして、 ref 古代の観念ではない新しい占星学を研究するようになった十七世紀以降のヨーロッパでは、論理的な新しい占星学の研究が盛んになりました。
しかし、論理的な名の下に、歴史主義 が見え隠れする議論が存在して混乱を招いています。


古典の考え方に矛盾を感じATT 12サインの性質判断を廃止し、天体を360度の位置表示にし、ハウスを作成しないで、天体のアスペクトも考慮しないという全く新しい占星学ハーフサム(ミド・ポイント)をドイツ人のエバーティン(1901-1988) が1940年に発表し、1972年に英文翻訳が英国で出版されて、米国でも広く使用されるようになりました。 ref

筆者・石川はさらに徹底して、古代人本来の占星学を近代化すべく、ASCやMCを除去し、簡略化した45度法の研究を発表しています。 ref

現代のコンピュター技術によれば、天体位置を組みあわせた情報だけで、詳細な天体位置が再現できるのです。紀元前410年の世界最古の出生記録 ref はカルディア初期の時代、粘土板にクサビ型文字で記録されたものですが、これにはハウスも ASCも、MCの記述も存在しません。

ハウスも、アスペクトも、ASCやMCも存在しないで、天体だけの占星学が古代には存在をしたのです。12サインは天体位置を記録する道具にすぎません。 12サインの性質を「こじつけた」古代の法則は便利だから使用した約束(協約)であり、時代が変われば変化をするものですから、占星学の本質ではありません。

占星学は予測技術ですから、全く予測が的中しなければ、誰も気に入りません。 しかし、取り扱う術者の技術の良否によって、どのような優れた予測方法でも的中率が大幅に変化します。また、法則の内容によっては、統計確率の数学計算で法則の良否が判定できる場合 ref と良否の判定が出来にくい場合 ref とが存在します。

現在の世界で評判が良い法則が占星学として最良の法則であるのか? 否か?  という議論は常に研究者の間で議論されていますから、西欧の占星学は最古の歴史 ref を持っているのにも関わらず、常に進歩をしている学問であるといわれているのです。

占星学の原理・原則を示す定理を誰も証明ができませんが、この問題は占星学の予測が的中するか? 否か? という実用上の法則ではないので、占いの「当たり」と「外れ」に興味がある一般の人々は無関心です。

21世紀になって、理系の研究者がこの問題に関心を持って、困難な研究を完成すれば、人々は迷信から解放されて安心して占星学を使用することが出来るようになることでしょう。それまでは、占星学を信じるか? 信じないか? という議論が占星学に「つきまとう」ことでしょう。ATT



The system of astrology is entirely indifferent from that of the astronomy in practice. The major subject in astrology must be the matters relating to the human life on earth. This in the astronomy will be the subject relating to the mutual relation between the stars in the sky.

It is quite natural for the most astrologers considering definite concept in the use of a planet. While the astronomer will look at the same star indifferently from that of astrologer studied. Thus the astrology will be the art in utilizing the effect of heavenly body if any on the life of human on earth can be expected. ref

Well-known system of astrology has been studied as one of conventions that is agreed generally between practitioners concerned. Therefore, this is not the theorem or the statement in logic deduced from other formulas or propositions related. ref

This author described and registered at the US Copyright Office in 1999 an article titled ASTROLOGICAL REVOLUTION that was partially released in the article titled “Why Events React to Stars” in AFA bulletin in May 2001. ref ATT

Although this must be my proposal for the basic theorem of astrology, this is waiting for the further study in the logical verification given by the natural science performed.
Famous system of astrology utilizing twelve signs was deduced in analogous to the twelve zodiac constellation settled by the convention or agreement made by the ancient people. The useful house system in astrology was also deduced in further analogous to the twelve zodiac signs for practical convenience.

As theses are the items in the convention, any one may alter either one part or whole of them without having any verification logically required. Debates on preference in the system have been made in the selection of preferred system with regard to the standpoint either on the historicism or the logical approach although the controversialist may insist on the logical view of historicism debated. ref

Particularly after the Seventeenth Century in Europe, as John Kepler (1571-1630) has observed the sky with the modern astronomy ref, the trend in the modern astrology has been aggressively discussed.

Reinhold Ebertin (1901-1988) has described new style astrology in 1940. This is called the system of Half-Sums or Mid-Points in which the place of planet is identified with 360 degrees located. There is neither zodiac sign nor house division of traditional dignified. English translation of his book was released in 1972 in England. The US people are familiar with this system and now they enjoy in using this as the auxiliary system. ref

This author, ISHIKAWA has extended the idea of Ebertin further by omitting the use of either ASC or MC that has been the trace left from the ancient trend. My new system may concern to one part of the ASTROLOGICAL REVOLUTION as the sky bodies can be referred without asking any of the ancient traditional trends associated. ref

Historical evidence found in the ancient cuneiform description on the places of planets at the birth of a person born in 410 BC that was the record described in the early period of the Chaldeans age can be analyzed by the modern computer to get the exact places of related planets satisfactorily duplicated. Although there was no description in this record on ASC or MC or the description on the birth moment, however, we can find exact places of planets calculated only on the record of combination of planets described. ref
This indicates the importance of the description on the observed place of planets and other astrological factors will not become any essential importance in the art of practice.

The art of astrology is the practice in predicting future event of human on earth. If the description indicated by the art of astrology could not predict the expected event the art can not be accepted by people. The percentage of fit in the prediction against the number of events will change in accordance to the personal skill of practitioner in the art predicted. There is specific item of events that can be studied by the mathematical process of probability ref explored. On the other hand, a certain event will come to difficult for the analysis by the mathematical probability studied. ref

The active debates on the selection of best art in the outstanding practice of astrology has brought the system in renewal so that the historically oldest art of astrology ref can be newest art of prediction in the modern age.

Unfortunately up to this moment we have no definite theorem in astrology other than the agreed traditional conventions. General people will not be really bothered by the absence of verified theorem in astrology however the prediction made by the art fit the event forecast.

We expect near future in the Twenty-fist Century some one from the study of natural science will be interested in the basic theorem of astrology and successfully explores the verification of the law of astrology by the natural science so that we can explain the relation of cause and effect in the art of astrology observed. Until such moment, the useless debates on the subject such as in believing the effect produced by the art of astrology may be continued endlessly.

On such occasion when the natural science will study the basic theorem of astrology lurked for long, we will be able to clear up our way in the nowadays confusion that is deduced from the mess of traditional conventions given from intangible sources debated. We must recall the fact in the past extensive works in the physics that was performed by a student on a personal interest of free-will outside the public requirement promoted.

This author is expecting some one to study the basic theorem of astrology such as described in the ASTROLOGICAL REVOLUTION in the near future.

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